Tuesday, October 8, 2013


 Reflections.....in our second quarter or learning in our information computer technology, a side in learning how to create and posting in our blogs In last quarter... Now I learned  again and that was discovering about HTML or hypertext mark up line, by using the notepad we try to create an HTML file and doing our other activities..
        But sometimes there are problems that I encountered in our activities in  notepad.. Like when I am typing our activities I accidentally typing a symbols or letters that are not included so the result will not be perfectly correct or good and on that situation.. I will again change my activity or edit it.
         I will do my best so that I will make more all my activities be better and good and I will be challenge myself to improve more my grades in ICT . Keep in studying hard and I always trust myself and discover more......



        A modern day hero is a person who helps those in need. Unlike the heroes in fairy tales or comic books, who save civilization from some great evil, the modern day hero works more quietly, often serving the people without any pomp or acclaim. Characteristics of a modern day hero include compassion, strong work ethic, a giving nature, a defined set of morals, and a kind spirit. Examples of modern day heroes are policemen, firemen, and soldiers.
        And for all the heroes nowadays, I give them the honor for sacrificing something just for the goodness of the greater.

Friday, October 4, 2013

My teacher, My Hero

            Month of October comes again. Here, we celebrate the English Month. Regarding to this, one of the main part of this celebrations is The Teacher's Day Celebration.In this day, we give honor and salute to the teachers in the whole world. Not only giving them the honor, but also we give thanks to all of their goodness to us. And as a student, I dedicate this blog to all of the teachers in the world. Especially, to those who take part on my journey in reaching all of my dreams and the "Succession."
           The school plays a very significant role in the development of the community. It is the school that offers education to the community people that will serve as their bridge to progress and development. But a school never been a school without the presence of teacher. Being a teacher is a big responsibility because they are the one who will inherit the facts and ideas which they know to us. Moreover, teachers are our second parents in school. They are handling hundreds of students. In that case, I salute them for they were able to guide and teach such that number of students. It takes hours for them to discuss a certain topic in front of those different faces of students. It is really a hard job but they are still keep on working for us to learn something.
            All teachers deserve to become a hero. Teachers cannot avoid complaining about the hardship of teaching. But then, their feet are still standing on the ground of the school. Imagining thousands of learners who are waiting to learn and to be educated.

Insights about the Science and Technology Month Celebration

"Unravel the causes, build a solution, empower the Science Clubbers in action"

       Technology has been progressing at an astonishingly rapid rhythm, and it has been changing our lives in a scaring way. In the future, our lives might change even more, with several benefits and dangers of technological advances.
       For example, advances in cosmetic surgery will lead to people being highly satisfied with their personal appearance and happiness among society will be increased. For example, people that feel ugly and can’t find a couple will now be able do it with facial metamorphosis, and they won’t be depressed anymore. In conclusion, society’s welfare and happiness will be increased by cosmetic surgery.
Another example is genetically modified food. The ability to modify the food’s gens will allow crops to grow faster. This will lead to higher amounts of food being produced at lower prices. As a consequence, world’s hunger rates will be dramatically reduced, with higher nutrition rates taking place. In conclusion, genetically modified food will affect positively human hunger and nutrition rates.
Lastly, human lives will also be benefited by another important technological advancement: animal clonation. Species extinction will be reduced or even stopped, as well as hunger rates to the increase in supply of food. To sum up, animal clonation will solve some of the key issues which are actually part of the world’s daily agenda.
       Overall, human life will be changed in a very positive way by advancements such as the mentioned before and some actual key issues won’t exist anymore.
       Related to this topic, the purpose of this theme is to empower the knowledge of the students and to improve their talents and skill about inventing, experimenting and other knowledge-giving ways about science